Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Virgin Blogger

So I have never blogged before, thus excuse me for the potential terribleness of this blog. But, I thought why not. And I warn you, I tend to blab on, so if you are going to follow this blog, I apologize now for the boredom that it might cause you. I'm not the greatest writer, but I guess we shall test my abilities.

In about 3 weeks I am heading off to Switzerland to live there for an entire year. I am incredibly excited about this adventure ahead of me, but at the same time I am terrified. The new experiences are going to be fun, exciting but also very challenging.

Over the last 3 years in University, I have changed. I came into first year being a shy and innocent little girl. And now I am an outgoing, energetic and adventure-seeking woman. So, I think I am ready for the challenges that lay ahead, yet that shy little girl inside of me is still terrified of what may come. And in a year, I expect to come back an even more changed person. Hopefully for the better.

But first, before my own adventure, my wonderful older brother is beginning his own adventure of a lifetime. In about a week's time Jason is getting married to Caitlin Renneson. I am so proud of my brother. As kids, we didn't always get along. It wasn't that we fought all the time, it was more just that we ignored each other. We had no relationship at all. He was a stubborn teenage boy and I was a stubborn teenage girl. Since we have both been off to University, our relationship has changed. We talk more, we care about each other more, and really we feel more like siblings.

I am truly proud of my brother. He has accomplished so much over the past few years, and I honestly see him becoming quite the successful man. He graduated from University of Carleton with a Honours in Computer Science. He bought his first house. And now he is marrying a woman to which he is deeply in love. As his life comes together, I wish him the best in his future endeavours. I am very much looking forward to the wedding next weekend. And let us all keep our fingers crossed for good weather! :)