Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Visitors and More!

So the last time I wrote here I was supposed to be off to Poland. Unfortunately that didn't happen. There was this volcano in Iceland called Eyjafjallajökull which decided to explode and put a small damper on my travel plans. The funny thing is, I was supposed to fly to Poland at noon on Friday. When I bought the ticket I was debating between the 7am ticket and the noon ticket. I decided I may as well put a half day of work in so I went with the one at noon. The 7am flight left that day. The noon flight didn't. If I had decided differently, then I would be having a whole lot more of an interesting story to tell because I would have ended up stuck in Poland. Though, I think I would have preferred that option to not going at all.

April 24-25: IAESTE Appenzell Weekend
IAESTE is the organization through which I am doing my exchange to Switzerland. They organize a lot of weekends around Switzerland to ensure that trainees get the best experience possible. Since I travel outside of Switzerland so often I don't often participate in these weekends, but I have a couple times here and there.
A couple of IAESTE people with an IAESTE flag after our short hike.

The region of Appenzell in Switzerland is well known because they are very traditional. It is a very small canton (province) on the East side of Switzerland with very old fashioned views. They were the last area in Switzerland to give women the right to vote, and that was not even 20 years ago. But voting... that is what they are most well know for. They vote during the “Landsgemeinde” every year, which is a public voting forum.
Traditional Appenzell-style decorated house.

I got to witness this event, where all the citizens of Appenzell gathered in the town square, the men with their swords (no kidding) to vote on the mayor and certain laws and issues. The vote was cast by simply raising one's hand and the majority wins. Of course when staring out at a crowd of people raising their hands, how is it possible to know what the majority is? It's called guestimation. :P But, if there is ever a doubt they do go through and count the votes by filing the people out of the main square and back in. Unfortunately I didn't get to witness this, but apparently it did happen a couple years ago.
Citizens of Appenzell voting.

April 30: Amsterdam!!!
“What happens in Amsterdam, stays in Amsterdam”

That is about all I have to say about this trip. ;)
Amsterdam's symbol: xxx
But really, it was a great trip. The red light district was quite a fascinating area to walk around. At first, I didn't think very highly of it... I wasn't against it, but I just felt sorry for the girls in the windows being gawked at by men, selling their bodies. But as I learned more about it, and as I began to understand the principles behind the red light windows, I began to appreciate them more. The women in the windows were doing this by choice. That is how Amsterdam works, frothals and such are still illegal. The women rent the windows (plus rooms obviously) for 8 hour shifts. They pay rent to a landlord, and whatever they do in those windows is their business. So it is really a choice of theirs... I choice to earn money by selling their body, giving sex. I could never do such a thing myself, but I respect the women for it. I no longer think quite so poorly about it.
May 8-10: Nice and Monaco with the parents
MY PARENTS came to Europe!! I had planned this trip to Nice, France quite a few months in advance, and it was good that it worked out I could meet up with my parents there while on their journey up to Switzerland.

The area of Nice, “Cote d'Azur” is an absolutely gorgeous area and it impressed me the most of any place I have been in France. Over this year I have done a lot of travelling, seeing cities, climbing mountains, going to festivals. But I think I have decided my favourite type of travelling is that which involves the wilderness. I absolutely love it. And Cote d'Azur is a place I would like to return to, so I want wander along the coastlines a little bit more, see the beauty and appreciate it.
A little love for my parents

Monaco was also interesting to visit as we were there a couple days before the Formula 1 race. It is quite a unique country, because it is so small and so rich. Just walking around the streets, seeing the types of cars you know that it is wealthy. They also have some famous casinos there, but of course we didn't venture inside those. I don't think I could quite afford it. ;)
Enjoying some crepes in Monaco.

May 13-16: Showing my parents around Switzerland
So I had three days to spend with my parents in Switzerland and I wanted to make sure I showed them the glory that is was! Although the weather wasn't great, we made the most of it and travelled around as much as possible. It was fun showing them the place I have been living this past year, taking them to different places around Switzerland I have enjoyed myself and even exploring a couple new ones.

At the famous lion statue in Luzern, Central Switzerland.
At the top of the rock in Rhein falls, Schauffhausen (Northern Switzerland)

While they were here to save some money they slept on a mattress on my floor. Who ever thought my parents would be camping out on my floor? :P I had fun with it, and even with their old age... ;) ....they managed well on an air mattress for 4 nights.

My favourite trip that I did with my parents was down to Scuol, which is in the Romansch area of Switzerland. There are 4 official languages in Switzerland: German (where I live), French (on the West), Italian (in the South) and Romansch. Only a very small percentage speak Romansch (less than 1%) and I believe that it is a dying language. It is really neat to visit the area as it makes you feel like you are in a very remote part of the world, travelled by few tourists, mainly frequented only by the locals. We also went to a thermal bath in Scuol so that was of course very nice to enjoy, surrounded by the beautiful mountain scenery.

Enjoying the thermal baths in Scuol, surrounded by beautiful mountains.

May 20-24: Showing Chelsea around Switzerland
May was full of visitors for me! After my parents left, Chelsea came, and I got a chance to show her the wonderful world in Switzerland! She went most of the typical tourist places, but Monika and I also showed her a couple unique aspects of Switzerland.

Firstly, we went to this competition called “Schwingfest”. I was informed about it from some friends, and really unsure what we were getting into but we still wanted to go and see what it was all about. Little did we know we were in for a great treat. Schwing-ing is a sport similar to wrestling, but much much better. The competitors wear these funny shorts with a belt that allow them to have the ultimate grip on their opponent. The goal is to get your opponent to touch their butt to the ground. Of course the thing which makes it awesome is that they are wrestling in saw dust. Quite entertaining.

A little confused at Schwingfest...

Action shot of some Schwing competitors!

Another highlight of Chelsea's visit was SUSHI!! Although this is technically in Germany... so last year a couple of the interns found an all-you-can-eat sushi place on the border of Switzerland (ie. cheap!). We went and checked it out, only to discover how absolutely awesome it is. Of course we therefore brought Chelsea and since she is a lover of food she greatly enjoyed it. The thing which makes it great is that the food goes by on a running belt, so you don't order food... you just takes what looks good. Meaning you always take WAY too much... but that's all the fun in it. :P

Table full of food!!
Lastly, we took Chelsea hiking. Monika and I were nervous about this because we know that Chelsea is not an avid hiker... but I think she enjoyed it overall (hopefully!). Since the hiking season is still a bit early, we couldn't up too high (still too much snow) so we went to Doldenhornhütte at 1900m. It was absolutely spectacular views, so even if Chelsea didn't enjoy the hiking hopefully she at least enjoyed the sight at the top. This hike also reminded me how much I love hiking. I am a little sad that I didn't get the opportunity to do more of it while in Switzerland, but alas all good things must come to an end.
Finally made it to the hut!

Overall, it was great to see Chelsea and to have her over visiting. Although I am sad to leave, I am definitely looking forward to coming home and seeing all my friends and family. Which is quite soon! Ah! :)